
Showing posts from April, 2020

Another Shift

We received word from the Governor of Michigan last Thursday that, due to the coronavirus, all Michigan school buildings would be closed for the rest of the school year. We will completely shift to online learning after Spring Break. So many feelings. I feel for my students and for my children, a High School Sophomore and an 8th Grader. We are still adjusting to this change, and probably will be for the foreseeable future. I am also adjusting to the idea of teaching school online for the next quarter. I know how to teach my students when we are in the classroom together. I know what they need--opportunities to work together, to learn from one another, to experience deep learning, to work with routines. I know I will figure it out but wrapping my head around this new situation now is daunting.  A silver lining in this situation has been the educational community. The sheer amount of resources made available to educators during this uncertain time is extraordinary. I am so