@TeachThought Day 30: What I Would Do (As A Teacher) If I Wasn't Afraid

My last Reflective Teacher TeachThought post for the month of September asks me what I would do (as a teacher) if I weren't afraid. The answer would normally be that I'm too afraid to allow students to be self-directed learners.

I'm able to cross that off of my list, however: my Effective Teens students are just beginning Genius Hour!

I've been teaching Effective Teens for six years now. I think it is an amazing character education program and I've added a lot (including a service-learning component) to enhance it. The need arose last winter, however, to revamp the curriculum this school year and that thought filled me with some anxious moments. I was worried about what I could do to (meaningfully) change the curriculum but keep the most essential elements of the class intact. After researching and thinking (and thinking) the idea hit me--the gift of time that this change precipitated allowed me to implement Genius Hour

I am so excited by the possibilities this undertaking offers but I realize that my students' projects could go in many directions. (What if they need engineering or science help, two areas I don't have ANY experience in??) 

I need to step back from the idea that I should be in control of this project, remember to take deep breaths and realize that the answers will come because I am resourceful and I will show my students how to be resourceful, as well. Telling my students that I don't have all of the answers but that we will find them together is scary and thrilling. The life lessons that Genius Hour will provide ALL of us this semester will be something I will fondly look back on. #reflectiveteacher


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