@TeachThought Day 26: Three Favorite Go-To Sites

I have mentioned websites that I use often but because today's post asks for a few more go-to sites I will share three more I now refer to: the TeachTCI webinar page, the Cult of Pedagogy, and Pinterest.

I have known about TCI since I was a student teacher and their approach to social studies education is outstanding. I use the webinars to find ideas to make my teaching more exciting and relevant for my students.

I have recently learned about the Cult of Pedagogy and I really like their education articles and videos. I am frequently searching this site for explanations of buzz-worthy topics.

Pinterest is an absolute go-to site for education. When I want a resource or a new way to utilize an idea in my classroom I see what's been posted on Pinterest. (I have posted pictures, as well.) It's a wonderful place to find lesson ideas, information on Genius Hour implementation, and even tips on how to decorate my classroom! #reflectiveteacher


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