TeachThought Day 10:All About Me

Today’TeachThought post: All About Me

Five random facts about myself:
Fact one: I have a fraternal twin sister and I am five minutes younger.
Fact two: I hosted a radio show at a very small radio station on campus when I was in college. (It was an awesome experience!)
Fact three:  I can speak German (I’m not as fluent as I used to be, though).
Fact four: I am a World Record Holder. Three generations of females in my family are part of a world record event that brought awareness to the World War II-era bomber plant my Grandmother worked at during the war. (I even have a certificate!)
Fact five: My favorite color is turquoise.

Four things from my bucket list:
I want to travel to Hawaii.
I want to write a History book.
I want to be in a band. (I’m not seeing this one happening!)
I want to learn to speak another foreign language—Italian or French.

Three hopes for the year
I hope that my students will grow as critical thinkers.
I hope that they will find their voice and increase their confidence.
I hope that we have a peaceful and exciting year.
I hope that my historians learn to appreciate and value American History.

Two things that have made me laugh or cry as an educator:
I have a group of students that takes part in service learning/volunteering once a week in one of our feeder elementary schools. I get teary-eyed the first time I hear my students speak of those little ones are “their” students and demonstrate their ownership in their volunteer work. There is something so powerful in this mind shift—it gets me everysemester!
I laugh every day with my students. School is a place of learning and learning should be fun. 

One thing I wish more people knew about me:
I truly enjoy learning about other people. I’m sure that most people feel that I’m “just being nice” or I’m a good conversationalist but people are intriguing to me and I find learning about others reaffirming and interesting.
 @teachthought #reflectiveteacher


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