Slow and Steady...

The classroom structure and routine I'm trying to build with my Language Support students paid off this week. 
My English Language Learner mentor advised me to emphasize structure for these students. It's important in general but especially with students new to America and in need of the stability structure provides. I decided to begin each class period with a current event news story. The students view one story twice and attempt a summary listing the who, what, where, why, how, and when. We then discuss as a class. This strategy employs listening, speaking, and writing skills--3 of the 4 components of language learning. 

I felt this was only working to an extent--the story content is often intricate and we couldn't always answer all of the elements. I kept the procedure going, though and was hopeful. 

Thursday, on a whim, I asked a student to lead us in our discussion. That felt stilted to me and I wondered if the class wasn't ready to tackle the discussion on their own, without help from my parapro or myself.

Friday's class was different.

After our news story a student volunteered to lead the discussion. I hesitated for a moment and then agreed we would try it again. Then the magic happened. This student led the discussion and every single student responded, surprising me with their insights and the way they interjected ideas and added on to other comments. They were professional and encouraging and I couldn't have been prouder of them. 

I knew they had it in them but I didn't think it would come together so soon. What a powerful way to help me realize they are ready to lead! It's the boost they need and it proves that these students feel encouraged and safe to take educational risks--this is a tribute to all of the teachers working with these students in our school! Teaching this class is humbling and reaffirming. What a way to end our week!


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