National Board Renewal

One of my greatest professional accomplishments was the day I certified as a National Board Teacher. My Cooperating Teacher is an NBCT and after witnessing the impact she had on her students (and me) it became one of my top bucket list accomplishments when I was hired twenty four years ago. One of my closest colleagues achieved certification eleven years ago, she and other colleagues convinced me to attempt and I certified in 2011.

It's hard to believe but it's been close to ten years since my initial certification and I became a renewal candidate this school year. My initial certification cycle consisted of four portfolio entries, two unedited videos (one of me teaching small group activities, the other of me teaching a whole class activity), and six Assessment Center tests covering pedagogy and Social Studies-History concepts such as how to understand and teach primary sources to students. (The tests were stressful--candidates are required to go to a testing site and take tests in a manner similar to a Nursing or  Pharmacology testing environment.) The rigor of this certification cycle benefited me greatly--I became a much more concise and efficient writer and it changed the way I teach History. I also became a better leader through NB Certification. 

My Renewal Binder is organized and ready! I am re-reading the Social Studies-History Standards and reviewing the Five Core Propositions and What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do . I'm also getting familiar with this cycle's requirements--videos and four portfolio entries called the Profile of Professional Growth (PPG). 

My PPG is due in the spring, I need to organize a calendar and develop a plan soon. 


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