Meaningful Learning in US History with One-Pagers (includes free template)

Today my Student Historians started to create a One-Pager. One-Pagers are new to me, but English Language Arts teachers have been using them for some time. These graphic organizers promote deep learning and creativity, and is a meaningful way to have students show what they know. The focus of our One-Pager is Thomas Paine's "Common Sense".

Students translated six quotes yesterday, rewrote them into 21st Century language, and discussed these tricky meanings together as a class. These primary source quotes are now at the heart of the One-Pager. My Historians needed to select one of the quotes and bring it to life in their project.

A template isn't necessary for One-Pagers but I believe at this point in the year my students need the structure a template provides. I found out that most of my students (like me!) had never created One-Pagers before.

I searched and searched last night for a One-Pager template that was free and easily accessible, but had no luck.  I put my technology skills to the test and created one that I am pleased with and happy to share. Feel free to use it in your classrooms--I'd love to see how it's utilized! Happy Creating!


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