New Goals for a New Year
The school year is off to a great start!

Happy New Year!
My US History 8 students are starting the year learning the academic vocabulary we will refer to throughout the course. The Thinking Like a Historian plans from the Stanford History Education Group are an excellent resource, their class activities are student-centered and relevant. These history terms will be supplemented with a few concepts from AP classes, too. I am making a Word Wall and we will add to it throughout the year.
I am greatly enjoying my first time teaching the Language Support-History class, too. These students from Grades 6, 7, and 8 are so eager to learn! We've started our study with learning about maps and directions. We've used Google Earth and Google Maps to research the streets in our city and how to give directions. These lessons will support tomorrow's first field trip--we are taking a tour of our city! We are going to the Library, Police Station, City Hall, and Civic Center. It will be exciting to see our town through their eyes.
Happy New Year!
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