@TeachThought Connected Educator Month Thoughtful Thursday:Week 3

I am proud to say that I completed all thirty September @TeachThought Reflective Teacher posts! Having said that, for some reason I'm struggling with completing the October reflections. The challenge for week 3 really speaks to me, though.

Week 3: Why is it important for educators to be connected?

Educators need to be connected in order to grow. 

A recent example of this for me is Twitter. I'm new to Twitter and am absolutely astounded by the opportunities for collaboration--it is like nothing I've ever experienced. I'm curious by nature (my cousins and sister share this trait) and it's simply who I am. 

A colleague started regularly tweeting me earlier this year, sending article recommendations and sites to visit. Her preferred form of communication challenged me to become more comfortable with it and, even though I have much to learn, I quickly realized I'd be missing out on so much by not jumping in and learning more about it. (I even researched tutorials and attended my first chat this month.) 

I feel so much more connected to the world of education through my Twitter connections. It brings professionals from my district, my state, my country, and the world together. I'm able to make real-time connections with like-minded educators and have grown in so many ways because of this community. My students have most certainly benefited from my experience. 

One seemingly small undertaking can truly make a profound impact.
#reflectiveteacher #ce14


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