Adding to the Ambiance of our Classroom

A classroom that's too quiet can actually be distracting. Our usual classroom environment is one of group work and discussion. There are often times, though, where independent concentration (in short bursts) occurs, and no noise isn't necessarily conducive to learning. It can be challenging to focus if people do not have something to hear while they're concentrating. I've played relaxing background music for years and found that all of us prefer some background noise while we are in class.

My go-to music is usually instrumental classical, although I've been mixing it up to include instrumental modern music. Another instrumental soundtrack on heavy rotation during class is the instrumental Hamilton soundtrack. (Words in music can distract, and modern songs that students know might make them concentrate on the song, instead of their classroom activities.)

This year I've really focused on adding more historical options and it's been successful. We have listened to bluegrass music when studying the westward expansion, Native American music during the Trail of Tears, and Spanish guitar music when studying the Mexican-American war. The Spanish guitar music, in particular, makes us feel like we are there, in the moment, witnessing history.

Music is a way to expand the historical experience and improve the overall classroom experience. 


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