The End of an Era...

Yesterday's 8th Grade Clap-Out not only ended the school year, it was the end of an era for my family.

I have had my son or my daughter in the same building with me for the past five years. (I did not teach either of them but guided them while completing their National History Day projects in 8th Grade.)

Their Middle School years were full of wonderful experiences, both inside and outside of the classroom. From my son's 6th Grade 50s-Themed Band Concert, track, clubs like Quiz Bowl and Stock Market Club, APT to Succeed interview, Civil War Day, and the Troybery Celebration, to my daughter's clubs like STAND and Stock Market Club, basketball, cross-country, track, cheer, pep assemblies, and both of their 8th Grade Washington DC trips they've had three exceptional years, ones that both have already looked back on fondly. My son, a rising High School Junior, was definitely prepared for High School because of his Middle School years, I have no doubt my daughter is, as well.

Middle School is a time of great academic and personal growth. I'm grateful I've been able to see this growth first-hand. 


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