January: Opportunities for Growth and Learning

Happy New Year!

January has been full of meaningful opportunities for learning!

Eighth Grade Student Historians presented their Breaking Barriers in History National History Day projects to their 6th and 7th Grade peers recently. A special thank you to Learning Village--Michigan History Day's fearless leader, Ms. Amy Bradfield, our Media Specialist, Mrs. Chatel, our 8th Grade Language Arts teachers, Mrs. Galbraith, Mrs. Pagnani, and Mrs. Wright, and our Special Education teachers Mrs. Ritter, and Ms. Bard, for all of your help in making this day possible!

It is always exciting to share learning but this year's work is taking on a special purpose--7th Graders and Language Support-History students will, for the first time at our school, complete modified NHD projects themselves later this school year. The 8th Graders will serve as mentors during this process. I am very eager to work with my students in this leadership capacity!

Eighth Graders are continuing their exploration of legacy through my Boulan LEGACY project. It was such a wise idea to have students begin this study now--I can continually use aspects of this character education initiative as in-the-moment learning opportunities. Our character education vocabulary is so much richer and more meaningful now!

Language Support Historians continue to impress me with their curiosity and inquisitiveness! We begin each class viewing CNN 10. This student-friendly news program is superb. It provides quick, unbiased summaries on current events five days a week. I select one story for students to write a who, what, where, why, how, and when summary and students practice their speaking skills as they lead the discussion. We are wrapping up our study of Indigenous Peoples and will start to learn about the US Constitution, utilizing the incredible iCivics platform.

I am also bringing my teaching career full circle in two ways this month. Students in Grades 6,7, and 8 begin volunteer experiences this Wednesday as we travel to our District Pre-School. I created a volunteer program twelve years ago between Middle School and Elementary students and I'm thrilled to revive and implement this work with younger students. Our Middle School students will lead Science experiments and read to the children, benefiting both age groups. 

I am in the process of renewing my National Board teaching certification. Renewal centers on how I have grown as a teacher and leader since initial certification, almost ten years ago. My colleague, friend, and mentor helped me see the forest through the trees and I'm relieved to say I now have a plan to document my learning and growth. 


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