LEGACY Reflection

The last month of school is upon us. For 8th Grade teachers in a 6th-8th Grade Middle School this isn't just the end of the school year, it's the end of Middle School for our students. 

This time of year always brings on a range of emotions for my students--they're happy, nervous, excited, unsure. Change, even good change, can be a challenge. Processing these feelings isn't easy but I hope the next few weeks will bring some help by asking my students to complete a LEGACY Reflection.

This is the third year my students have written these reflections and the second year all 8th Graders in the building are completing them. I've enjoyed going into all of the classes to begin this project. 

My hope is that I successfully plant the idea in our students that they are the ones that set the tone for their Middle School legacy. This can and should be empowering.  

The first reflection centered around a definition of legacy and a focus on leadership. Students also knew before writing that their thoughts would be displayed in the hallway (and they could decide if they would put their name on the front or back of the reflection cards). Answers were well thought-out and I look forward to our next reflection.


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