Presearching and Researching

This week in NHD featured presearching and researching topics in order to finalize choices next week.

Student Historians continued to wonder and find questions about the topics they learned about last week in the Media Center. The Speed Topic-ing lesson was a hit and left many students wanting to know more about at least some of the topics they examined that day.

This week started with a mini-lesson from Mrs. Chatel as she asked this group if their topic questions could simply be answered with a "yes" or "no" or if their questions were "Big Mac" questions--ones that would take many weeks to complete. A Big Mac question is the perfect National History Day project endeavor.

Presearching and researching went well. These students are going to decide their project topics, partners they will work with, and what type of project they will create this week. Language Arts teachers will support this work with helping students begin to formulate a thesis. History class work time will center on students creating their own to-do lists, reviewing NoodleTools, beginning research using my Symbaloo Webmix, and completing a graphic organizer that will become the heart of their project plan.


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