This Week in NHD: "The Shift"

This week in NHD featured "The Shift". The Shift is moving from my planning what we are doing the entire class period to the students taking responsibility for their own planning. Our agenda:

*Noodle Tools--write to-do list (we will do this one together to model it--you will create individualized to-do lists from now on)
*take survey (if you haven't already)
*see Symbaloo updates (links to previous category descriptions, etc.)
*search MS Media Databases (they're on Symbaloo)
*write research question in Noodle Tools
*write 1-2 checklist items of your own

This project, as previously stated, is multi-faceted. Students need to have some general guidelines so they aren't overwhelmed. What they equally need, though, is the parameters to take on planning themselves. To-do lists are an excellent way for students to clarify what needs to be done and note when these tasks are completed. (Many students know how to do this, but just as many do not.) I intentionally modeled task writing and asked students to include some tasks they've already completed--there's nothing like checking an item off of a list and feeling that sense of accomplishment! :) I can't wait for them to see their lists at the end of their project! 

Students spent the rest of the hour using NoodleTools to start their database searches (using databases is something I need to improve upon this year) and writing their research question.

My reflections: 
*Our students really want to be told what to do and that they're doing it "right" but I'm using  the "make a good decision" phrase more and more. Students need to have confidence in their abilities and personalize their learning. Taking risks like this will pay off for them as they continue their education.

*It is so exciting to have mini-conferences with all of the 8th Graders about their topics! (We are combining classes each hour for this project--I will see all students, not just my own.) They are delving into all aspects of US History and I love talking about people, places, and events from the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th Centuries!

*Use of the Schoology Group, not Course, is going really well and will continue to benefit us as we move forward.

*Seeing familiar faces in the hallway and realizing I'm now connecting with an entire 8th Grade class more than ever before, thanks to this project. 

*Students are teaching technology to one another. The students showed one another how to bookmark my NHD Symbaloo Webmix on their iPads--it's now more convenient to access!

* At least four students come into my classes on Thursday disappointed we weren't working on NHD that day. They are enjoying this project, too!


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