Presidential Primary Source Project Video Conference Opportunity

Today my school had the opportunity to take part in an interactive video conference, with great success!

Project details, according to the organizers:

The National Park Service, U.S Presidential Libraries, and Museums, the Internet2 community, and cultural and historic organizations nationwide are proud to offer the annual Presidential Primary Source Project (PPSP), a series of free, standards aligned, 45 minute interactive videoconferencing programs aimed at students in grades 5-12. The series will run from January - March 2016. Each program will also be live streamed and recorded for on demand viewing for free.

I signed up for the program about President Grant, titled "Daughters of Freedom:  Ulysses S. Grant and the Rise of the Women's Rights Movement" from the Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, St. Louis, MO. This topic relates to the US History content I teach and Womens' History is also interwoven into the activity.

I thought about just having my 4th hour class participate, because that was the time slot we were given, but then decided it would be more powerful to have girls from our school community participate. Seventh and Eighth Grade girls were asked to get involved and they really learned a lot. 

Students viewed primary source photographs from Seneca Falls and examined the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments. They learned about Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and how the Suffragette Movement was interwoven with the Abolitionist Movement. I enjoyed seeing how our students were hesitant to speak at first during the interactive session but they warmed up to participating as the hour went on. 

It was a great chance for these young ladies to learn how women in US History worked together to bring rights and freedoms for all.

The girls displayed their leadership skills when THEY asked ME to create a Schoology group for them and we brainstormed together about ways to promote Womens' History Month at Boulan next month! The group is complete and I look forward to their actions and plans!

Stay tuned!


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