First Quarter Video Reflections

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The first video reflections my students and I created this fall were eye-opening. I felt I got to know my students better and their reflections captured maturity and wisdom as they thought about their completed poems. I have now asked students to create a reflection of their work during First Quarter. These are the questions students are asked to think about:
  • I feel my best work in History this quarter was my... (choose an assignment we've completed).
  • It's my best work because...
  • Looking forward, during Second Quarter I hope I become better at... (POSSIBLE ideas: participating in class discussions, planning your National History Day project...).
  • One thing I would like to try in History during Second Quarter is...

The first reflections have been submitted and these are, so far, just as good (if not better) than their first ones. Continually looking back and planning ahead is a great gift one can give to themselves. I am seeing just how powerful a learning opportunity it is for all of us and I believe it will result in even greater gains in the classroom. Here is my completed reflection:


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