Veterans Day Activities

We have spent a few days this week focusing on modern history and the sacrifices our men and women in uniform have made for all of us.

I found a story this summer about a military tradition I'd never heard of and wanted to share it with my class: 

America's White Table, by Margot Theis-Raven, is a story of the Fallen Comrade Table. The tradition was started to honor all Missing In Action and Prisoners of War during the Vietnam War. An empty table is set for those who will never return and the items on the table symbolize the sacrifice of those who are missing.

The Social Studies teachers at Boulan and I decided it would be powerful to replicate this table during the week surrounding Veterans Day and it was met with great reverence and respect by the students. Some classes read the book at the table and others completed a See-Think-Wonder Visible Thinking routine at the table. All students were moved by the display and felt gratitude for these soldiers.

Eighth Grade students also commemorated the week with our annual Veterans Day Speaker Panel. Three servicemen and one servicewoman joined us to share stories of their service with our students. 

I look forward to planning and participating in activities like this every November. It really helps the students appreciate the freedoms they have and understand why they have them. 


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