My Proudest Accomplishment

Today's post is to reflect on the teaching accomplishment I'm proudest of. I think I touched on this during the September blog challenge so I won't elaborate too much but I'm proudest of becoming a National Board Certified Teacher. 

I put the dream aside for many years and it was exciting to take the step to even attempt certification. The process is hard and there were times I questioned continuing the journey. I had the support of my mentor and colleagues that I really look up to and their encouragement got me through. 

I was fortunate enough to achieve certification in 2011 and I realize how much I've grown as an educator because of this process. My students have greatly benefited from my experience, as well.


  1. Welcome to the November challenge! Fantastic to have you here for another one - I always enjoy your posts. I'd love to know more about the NBCT - not something we have here but I wonder if it will eventually make its way here so I'm curious about it. Look forward to reading your posts.
    Justine :-)


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