Useful Constitution Websites

Students will begin their study of the US Constitution this week. This important document can be challenging for students to understand and here are some links to help:

Ben's Guide to Government:

The United States House of Representatives:

The United States Senate:

The Supreme Court:

The Executive Branch/The White House:

Students, please take some time to become familiar with these sites so that you're comfortable with them before we visit them online in class.


  1. All of the websites were very interesting. Ben's Guide to Government was the most interesting. The website gave information about the Constitution based on the student's grade level. This makes students, from all grade levels, use this website. I learnt a lot from the website.

    Thank You Mrs. Slaviero

  2. I also thought Ben's Guide to Government was the most interesting then the other sites because it gave information that I could understand at my grade level and it also gave pics for my visualization. Now I fully understand how Congress works. Thanks for posting the site!

  3. I too also thought that Ben's Guide to government was more interesting than any of the other web sites. This site gave me more information on the branches of government then I learned before. The Branches of Government was the most interesting to me. It was easier for me to understand. Not just that I also thought that it was easier for me to look up vocabulary words. I think we should have a day at school were we go into the computer lab and maybe to a paper or like a scavenger hunt on that web site.
    Thank You for posting these web sites it helped me lots!!!

  4. I read about How Laws Are Made in Ben's Guide to Government and laws are initiated in either chamber of Congress, the House of Representatives, or the Senate. I also read about The Bill of Right and how they can help govern our community. All of those sites you suggested helped out?

  5. I read about the executive branch at It gave me helpful information about the executive branch. It told me that Including members of the armed forces, the Executive Branch employs more than 4 million Americans. I did not know that. This is a helpful website. Thanks

  6. Nice comments, students! Sam, we actually are going to go on a website scavenger hunt soon--good thinking! :)

  7. I thought that Ben's Guide to government was the most interesting because there were different age levels in which it was easier for me and others to learn because it is fit for our learning. The information on the website really taught me about the different things in depth. Also i was able to read about certain things that I learned about in class but i learned a little more after visiting the website! The different and interactive games were also very fun! :)


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