Reinforcing the Classroom Community

Keeping virtual students connected is tougher than it seems. For a multitude of reasons it's an ongoing endeavor this year. While I will once again teach my LEGACY reflection this spring, my 8th Grade US colleague thought to connect LEGACY to George Washington's Farewell Address and, if today is any indication, it's now a powerful and authentic way to kick off this reflection. My students tend to communicate in breakout rooms better when we are in hybrid mode (when students are in class and some are virtual). I don't know why this is but it might have something to do with school feeling more "real" when some students are in school. Regardless, it's on me to encourage and motivate students to talk to one another in breakout rooms every time. In a normal year communicating with peers in class happens fairly effortlessly, in breakout rooms it's so challenging. I continually move from breakout room to room, assigning leaders to introduce a topic (again, ...