Getting Ready

The 2020-2021 school year is ready to begin. We teachers report back next week, our students the week after. I have been very, very quiet this summer because of all that is happening in our world. If I'm honest, I'm usually the one to make small talk or fill in the space when there is a lull in conversations (that's for better or worse--my intentions are good, though). This summer has changed all of that. I've spent these months listening and starting to process the multitude of events that have changed our country and our world--stepping back has helped me to somewhat prepare for this school year. Educators are called to be flexible, more flexible than ever before. With everything happening and changing fast I must pull back, quiet myself, and think. I must make time for this solitude this year. Thankfully this week has helped me feel more ready to start the year than I thought I would be. I went in to organize my classroom. It felt good to refresh the space. It was...