
Showing posts from May, 2018

LEGACY Reflections-E and G

The LEGACY Reflections are progressing very well. Students have written about their EDUCATION during Middle School, especially 8th Grade. Each student was asked to reflect on their educational risks and how those risks translate into a facet of their legacy. Their answers were insightful and deep. Students also reflected on GRATITUDE, creating a list of people they were grateful at Boulan and elaborate on how this gratitude impacts how they will be remembered at Boulan. I feel this is a fitting "full circle" experience related to our Gratitude Journals created in November. This week's writing centers on attitude. 

LEGACY Reflections

I sense it with my students this time every year. A restlessness crops up in early spring and I've never felt I'd been able to adequately address it. It's what I think of as a "push/pull" mindset.  My 8th Graders are pushing away from Middle School and feeling the excitement and pull of their new lives next school year as High Schoolers. It's a drive for new experiences along with the sadness of leaving Middle School. This often manifests in an "indifferent" attitude conveyed outwardly but this indifference (usually) masks the trepidation they're feeling inside. I believe I may have found a way to help students work though these feelings. Last June the idea of a LEGACY project came to me in the middle of the night the week before school ended (the subconscious mind at work)! I quickly ran through the activity with my students. This year I'm able to take my time and have hopes for its success. Students began reflections yesterday.